Spring Creek Land & Cattle Consulting offers independent insight into the dynamic beef cattle market complex through our free market newsletter, The Bottom Line.
This electronically distributed newsletter focuses primarily on the beef sector and all the drivers influencing the beef and cattle markets including feed grains, alternative meat proteins and currency to ensure cattle producers and industry stakeholders have a complete perspective of the market and factors to watch.

Published quarterly, The Bottom Line led by Sandy Russell provides insightful market analysis on the beef complex with an aim of helping producers with their marketing strategies.
Russell's 'tell-it-like-it-is', common sense approach to the breakdown of the market and the policies that influence them means producers don't have to sort through excessive analysis to get to 'the bottom line'.
Information and analysis provided directly assists producers in making the challenging decisions required to secure profit in the dynamic beef cattle business.
In addition to the quarterly newsletter, subscribers will get insight and analysis to any major market happenings so subscribe today!
Feel free to contact Sandy Russell for customized market insight,
media interviews and commentary or keynote addresses at srussell@springcreekconsulting.ca
or 1(306) 281-7873.
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